DS015 | Star Trekkish | Voyages of the Starship Raptor | Part 2 of 2: Hive Hijinks

Star Trekkish
Star Trekkish
DS015 | Star Trekkish | Voyages of the Starship Raptor | Part 2 of 2: Hive Hijinks

The crew of the Raptor gets help from an inside man as they seek to restore their void crystals, but the galaxy may never be the same again.

DS014 | Star Trekkish | Voyages of the Starship Raptor | Part 1 of 2: Nacelle Hell

Star Trekkish
Star Trekkish
DS014 | Star Trekkish | Voyages of the Starship Raptor | Part 1 of 2: Nacelle Hell

A threat… the Hive Armada
wants to… steal/capture
the… void crystals
which will… start a war/invasion!

Voyages of the Starship Raptor

lots of d6s

A threat… the Hive Armada wants to… steal/capture the… void crystals which will… start a war/invasion! This game is set in a campy Star Trekkish universe and played using John Harper’s Lasers & Feelings. I also used the Mythic GM Emulator to help with some decision-making. This combination enabled me to run a quick, fun … Read more