DS355 | Alpha Centauri | Chronicles of Chiron: Dome Improvement | Part 1 of 9

Mariah and Fritz meet with Leyland Campos to pitch changes to the Morgan Industries board of directors.
stories shaped by dice – a (mostly Genesys) tabletop RPG actual-play podcast with emphasis on storytelling – listen to us play or read the serialized narrative
Uses the social combat mechanic from Genesys.
Mariah and Fritz meet with Leyland Campos to pitch changes to the Morgan Industries board of directors.
House Thrandolil hosts a large family dinner, much to Penna’s displeasure.
Mariah and Cleve meet with Shu-Fen about unseating Nwabudike Morgan.
Tric and Heppa pay the dwarves of Untdunben another visit.
Tric and Heppa negotiate with saurians.
The current inhabitants of Cliff Island are not thrilled to have visitors.
Tric continues to clash with his mother but grows closer to Kachen.
The Prophet of Chiron and some followers pay Mariah a visit at the hospital.
Rhaessa and Heledd join Tric and Heppa in their investigation of necromancers underneath South Tower.
Tric recruits the white mage Rhaessa to help with whatever foul magics are afoot beneath South Tower.
Mariah remonstrates with his captor.
Tric and Heppa talk with Dame Merriver about threats to the kingdom… and her illicit weapon shipments.
The elves extract what information they can from their necromancer prisoner.
The Council of Datajacks deliberates on action against Morgan Industries and alliance with the Stepdaughters of Chiron.
Tric and Heppa present the needs of the Grey Woods woses to the most prestigious elvish council of all, the Ka’lian.