DS083 | Star Wars | Cruise Control | Part 14 of 22

Tcho and Kerr-Lonn-Ny rescue the captain from a mutineer.
stories shaped by dice – a (mostly Genesys) tabletop RPG actual-play podcast with emphasis on storytelling – listen to us play or read the serialized narrative
Genesys combat encounter
Tcho and Kerr-Lonn-Ny rescue the captain from a mutineer.
With the psi-disruptor destroyed, Imogen ensures Jackson’s Revenge will never take off again.
Lilly, Imogen, and their crew make their move against the psi-disruptor aboard Jackson’s Revenge.
Lilly, Imogen, Lief, and Aiden return to the wrecked factory in search of resources for their attack on Jackson’s Revenge. Unfortunately, the crash had some survivors.
Bullets and invectives fly as things come to blows aboard the factory ship.
Sergeant Renault and his stormtrooper squad chase Tcho Praetor through the Snowscape.
Lilly provides a distraction so that Imogen and Lief can sneak around the pirates’ outpost.
Imogen and Lilly make sure Saffron will pass Umojan environmental checks… the hard way.
Lilly and Imogen bring all their resources to bear to disrupt Neiman’s research.
A hydralisk with a neural implant bars the way farther into the Cerberus facility.
Lilly is reckless, and Imogen is ambitious. It catches up with them in the icy wastes of Browder II.
The inevitable combat: Malorn’s tal’darim rival Lendasha shows up to confiscate the protoss laser weapon being tested at the Dominion Optics Research Facility.
Quite the clinic.
Ka’thazar comes to life, and Dr. Pramine gets a clue. Just not the right one.