Convince the Council to Act
New modular social encounter available at DriveThruRPG for free! Includes sample playthrough.
stories shaped by dice – a (mostly Genesys) tabletop RPG actual-play podcast with emphasis on storytelling – listen to us play or read the serialized narrative
Playable RPG adventures
New modular social encounter available at DriveThruRPG for free! Includes sample playthrough.
Under Fire is one-shot adventure module for Star Wars RPG.
Secrets Beneath is an original one-shot adventure module for Genesys. Set in the Weird War, an occult reframing of World War II, the PCs must deal with ambivalent spirits, untrusting prisoners, and of course the German Army.
In the dusty town of Mos Shuuta, a group of fringers desperate to pay off their debts to Teemo the Hutt take on a salvage operation for an unlikely client: the Empire. They must deal with the elements and denizens of Tatooine’s desert to recover important cargo from a crashed scout ship. This module is designed to introduce players to Fantasy Flight Games’ Edge of the Empire Star Wars roleplaying game. Players who enjoy this module might consider following it up with “Escape from Mos Shuuta” from the Edge of the Empire Beginners Box Set.