DS269 | Alpha Centauri | Chronicles of Chiron: Excising Arx | Part 6 of 10

Alpha Centauri
Alpha Centauri
DS269 | Alpha Centauri | Chronicles of Chiron: Excising Arx | Part 6 of 10

An unexpected additional rescue opportunity presents itself.

GM Notes

The University of Chiron in our tabletop game is a mix of University of Planet and Lord’s Believers from the Alpha Centauri video game. This melding of science and religion was itself inspired by the Supremacy affinity in Beyond Earth. Supremacy is highly technological but uses religious names for most in-game units. Time will tell how this new faction interacts with Data Haven and the Stepdaughters of Chiron.

Our music is from Purple Planet Music. Visit them at purple-planet.com.

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