DS257 | Alpha Centauri | Chronicles of Chiron: The Cryopod Caper | Part 4 of 4

Alpha Centauri
Alpha Centauri
DS257 | Alpha Centauri | Chronicles of Chiron: The Cryopod Caper | Part 4 of 4

Cleve, Mariah, and Takuto explore a Progenitor wreck.

GM Notes

This is the first real look we have at Progenitor technology and design. In the Sid Meier’s Alien Crossfire expansion, these aliens have lost some of their technology and are relatively peers with the human factions. On our Chiron, however, we only see ruins.

To design this little prison block, I worked backward. I wanted Progenitors to be relatively large yet not just big humans. I took inspiration not only from the video game, but also from the Overlords in Arthur C. Clarke’s novel, Childhood’s End. They will likely remain mysterious for some time; how big a role they play in the overall campaign is yet to be seen.

Our music is from Purple Planet Music. Visit them at purple-planet.com.

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