DS216 | Wesnoth | Echoes of Invasion: Westward Bound | Part 1 of 4

Battle for Wesnoth
Battle for Wesnoth
DS216 | Wesnoth | Echoes of Invasion: Westward Bound | Part 1 of 4

High Lord Volas commissions Tric and Heppa to undertake a task for him on their upcoming journey.

GM Notes

High Lord Volas is a character from the Battle for Wesnoth mainline campaign, Eastern Invasion. The assassination attempt we refer to is from Scenario 4a of that campaign. He does not have much dialogue in that, so his personality is mainly my invention here. His physical description is that of the Elvish High Lord unit from the video game.

This arc contains spoilers for the Battle for Wesnoth campaigns Eastern Invasion and Northern Rebirth, with references to The South Guard.

Our character art by Del Borovic and the map we refer to (by me!) can be found here.

Our music is sampled from Return to Wesnoth by Matthias Westlund (aka West), licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0, part of The Battle for Wesnoth Project. Visit them at wesnoth.org.

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