With some help from their friends, Tric and Heppa disguise themselves as humans.
GM Notes
When the players first reached South Tower, I expected that they would gain access to the House of Light by some means and there obtain a new artifact as well as information related to the mysteries surrounding Kachen. However, as play progressed, it became clear that they were not going to do that. So, I had to get them the information some other way. Heledd’s theft was the first part of that; I brought the artifact out of the tower for them. Sir Marthynec was the second part. Rather than Heppa looking through Rhaessa’s books and potion supplies, here now was a patient from whom she could get the same information about the dapper inkcap mushroom. Sometimes a GM has to be flexible. Sir Marthynec, by the way, comes from Scenario 4c of the Eastern Invasion campaign in the Battle for Wesnoth video game.
Our character art by Del Borovic and the map we refer to (by me!) can be found here.
Our music is sampled from Return to Wesnoth by Matthias Westlund (aka West), licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0, part of The Battle for Wesnoth Project. Visit them at wesnoth.org.
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