DS177 | StarCraft | FRAWD Investigators: The Ambush | Part 1 of 7

FRAWD Investigators
FRAWD Investigators
DS177 | StarCraft | FRAWD Investigators: The Ambush | Part 1 of 7

Imogen shares her master plan for saving the Koprulu Sector from Earth, and Lilly helps her set it in motion.

Note: During the scene in Egon’s lab, when Imogen examines the Xel’naga artifact, a real life monsoon rolled through our recording location, dropping a torrential downpour around us as we played. Feel free to pretend that the noises you hear are psionic static. However, if the background sound of rain is too much for your ears, you can stop listening there, read the write-up for Scenes 3 and 4, and pick up listening with the next episode.

Need context? Jump to the start of the series!

Music: https://www.purple-planet.com