DS170 | Wesnoth | Echoes of Invasion: Tourney | Part 1 of 3

Battle for Wesnoth
Battle for Wesnoth
DS170 | Wesnoth | Echoes of Invasion: Tourney | Part 1 of 3

Tric and Heppa enjoy the opening of the Full Bloom Festival. He tries his hand at the archery competition, while she participates in the duels.

GM Notes

Once again, units from the Battle for Wesnoth video game inspired characters in this arc. I happen to think the sprite for the Javelineer is adorable, so I had to include that unit among the guards. One of the competitors in the archery competition is a Trapper. Terwaen is obviously a Knight. Mhaev is inspired by the Dune Windrider, a unit that was not retained in the most recent release of the Battle for Wesnoth, version 1.16.

This arc contains spoilers for the Battle for Wesnoth campaign Eastern Invasion, as well as references to Liberty.

Our character art by Del Borovic and the map we refer to (by me!) can be found here.

Our music is sampled from Return to Wesnoth by Matthias Westlund (aka West), licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0, part of The Battle for Wesnoth Project. Visit them at wesnoth.org.

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