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Mythic Scene 3
- Chaos: 5
- Interrupt Roll: 1 < 5, odd = altered (malice/home)
- Setup: Explore the cargo hold where the gala will be held
- Purpose/Goal: Work on gala arrangements
- Type: Social
JT explores the cargo hold with the help of a crew member who seems to have as many secrets as she does.
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Referenced Materials
- Riders of the Maelstrom – adventure module from West End Games
- SWRPG Adversary Decks from Fantasy Flight Games
- Star Wars: Resh Hour Trilogy – a set of our previous adventures, featuring JT’s girlfriend Renci
- The Jewel of Yavin – adventure module from Fantasy Flight Games
- Rendezvous at Ord Mantell – adventure module adapted to SWRPG from older systems