Having settled point two of the agenda before point one, the council resumes its discussion of how to slow the Planetary Security Force. Blocking Miasma Pass seems to be the direction they’re leaning in, though some people express interest in disrupting supply lines. “I feel like you have to disrupt supply lines first,” Roze opines, “because once you block that pass, crossing back and forth gets mighty tricky.”
We do have time, though. It will take a while for such a large group of troops and supplies to reach the pass. We need to get Louisa back to the dome with Data Haven’s deliveries for Morris to create disruptions there. That also provides us an opportunity to drop off a strike force for harrying Morgan’s forces. They can help Louisa reach the dome safely and then set to work. We might even combine that with Cleve recovering the excavator we were forced to abandon. If he can drive the strike force part of the way in the rover, that provides them some additional protection from the environmental dangers. Chloe suggests that the strike force steal rations and other useful materials for Data Haven but make it look like humans were not responsible. What a brilliant idea, patterning it after craw thefts! If they provide craws with some of the shinier takings, maybe the creatures will even willingly participate.
And so Cleve calls for a vote on the two proposals, closing the pass and stealthily acquiring materials from Morgan’s supply line. Everyone votes in favor of both. There will be no negotiating with Morgan Industries, not at this time.
There is some discussion on what to do if the strike team gets caught. Will Data Haven mount a rescue mission? Will they take more direct action? This partially depends on how and when word gets back. Similarly, the council discusses what to do if a Morgan Industries representative finds Data Haven and tries to open a dialogue. The alliance with the Stepdaughters of Chiron would have to be honored in such a circumstance, of course. It could be an opportunity to turn that representative to our side, bolstering Data Haven’s numbers or sending them back to the dome as another agent of chaos.
At this point, with the two main questions of the agenda settled, the council’s attention is flagging. The topic of chores and internal maintenance will need to be revisited another time. Cleve closes the meeting, but his work is not yet done for the day. He needs to set up a suggestion box, put out a general call for people to volunteer what their skills are, and post the minutes. “I think you’re a datajack now,” I tell him with a grin after most of the people have filed out of the room.
“What’s a datajack, anyway?” Cleve asks.
“What isn’t a datajack, Cleve?” Roze interjects.
I shrug. “That’s the title they used for people on this council. You’re datajack chair, in fact. Chair datajack?” I try out various permutations, until Roze suggests the perfect one, Datajack Prime. “Congratulations on your new title, Cleve,” I joke. “You’re no longer just a sergeant.”
The next few days are spent organizing the defense. Chloe takes the lead role for the supply effort, while Tenoch takes the lead for closing Miasma Pass. Chloe’s team also includes Astrid and Corazon. No way would Cor pass up this opportunity to harass Morgan.
Tenoch, meanwhile, gets assistance from Takuto, who’s developed some familiarity with the Progenitors, and Arx, of course—can’t separate those two. The teenagers have real experience observing a siege worm and the destruction it can wreak, so they will definitely be able to respect the dangers involved. They’ll also have Tenoch’s repurposed Morgan Autonomous Security-Tron to help them. Takuto is still nervous around it, but Arx processes their trauma differently. They’ve programmed it to respond to the laughable name Jazz Hands and make the dance move on command.
In addition to resting a lot, I prepare packages. Cleve, Marina, and I will be heading out once the defense efforts are underway. We need to bring with us the data drives from the cryopods, a bunch of Marina’s research notes (on both me and local lifeforms), as well as one of Data Haven’s powerful computer systems to help the Stepdaughters process their scientific data. And then there’s the package for Fritz. It includes the new network disruption software written by Roze, a copy of the circumstantial evidence against Morgan from the Unity logs, some Earth fabric for Fritz to play with, and, well, a letter from me. Data Haven doesn’t seem to have a Morris liaison so I’m appointing myself. I have a lot of things to tell Fritz.