Echoes of Invasion: There’ll Be Heledd to Pay | Scene 16


Hepalonia is only too happy to take a seat in the bleachers along the side of the tournament field, already worn out from walking half-bent over her staff. She takes a moment to roll her shoulders a bit and then surveys those seated around her. Her cousin is here as himself since he is supporting … Read more

DS188 | Wesnoth | Echoes of Invasion: There’ll Be Heledd to Pay | Part 5 of 9

Battle for Wesnoth
Battle for Wesnoth
DS188 | Wesnoth | Echoes of Invasion: There'll Be Heledd to Pay | Part 5 of 9

Tric and Heppa trick Sleidr into giving them the stolen rings.

Echoes of Invasion: There’ll Be Heledd to Pay | Scene 15


Heppa exits the Parting Glass through a backdoor she had not known existed and then re-enters from the front. She picks a location at the bar counter, and Heledd pulls a cord that rings bells on each floor of the building to signal that there is a customer. Heppa hears the distant tinkling followed by … Read more

Echoes of Invasion: There’ll Be Heledd to Pay | Scene 14


Since there is the possibility of a violent altercation with Sleidr, Heppa asks her companions, “How should we equip ourselves?”  Tric is borrowing Yrogin’s bow so that he is not carrying a distinctly elvish model. “Your sword is probably fine,” Tric suggests, since he doubts Sleidr will be examining the filigree on the handle. “Not … Read more

Echoes of Invasion: There’ll Be Heledd to Pay | Scene 13


With their costumes complete, Tric and Heppa return to the Parting Glass so that Heledd can help conceal Heppa’s fair skin. Of all the people they have met so far, Heledd seems the most likely to know such techniques, given what she has done with her hair. When the elves pass through the common room … Read more

Echoes of Invasion: There’ll Be Heledd to Pay | Scene 12


Gwaffalyn seems the perfect person to consult for the fashion makeover that the elves need to convince Sleidr that Heppa is a wealthy human mage from Alduin. And Tric figures Gwaffalyn owes him a favor. After all, the morning of the duel he did point her out to a rich-looking human as someone to keep … Read more

DS186 | Wesnoth | Echoes of Invasion: There’ll Be Heledd to Pay | Part 4 of 9

Battle for Wesnoth
Battle for Wesnoth
DS186 | Wesnoth | Echoes of Invasion: There'll Be Heledd to Pay | Part 4 of 9

With some help from their friends, Tric and Heppa disguise themselves as humans.

Echoes of Invasion: There’ll Be Heledd to Pay | Scene 11


With a strategy outlined, Tric turns to Alric with one more question. “Let me ask you this… Would it be really bad if Sleidr died in the fighting? Would the Rats launch an investigation of their own to figure out what happened and that would be bad for you? Mind you, I’m not saying that … Read more

Echoes of Invasion: There’ll Be Heledd to Pay | Scene 10


“There is a message for Hepalonia,” Damal announces as he enters the kitchen. He regards the elf for a moment. “Can you read?” “Yes, of course,” Heppa replies. The scribe hands her a small crinkled piece of parchment that must have been crammed into Aderyn’s carrying tube. It is not a long thin sheet with … Read more

DS184 | Wesnoth | Echoes of Invasion: There’ll Be Heledd to Pay | Part 3 of 9

Battle for Wesnoth
Battle for Wesnoth
DS184 | Wesnoth | Echoes of Invasion: There'll Be Heledd to Pay | Part 3 of 9

Alric reveals himself to be well-suited for helping Tric and Heppa plan the recovery of Heledd’s stolen goods.

Echoes of Invasion: There’ll Be Heledd to Pay | Scene 8


When Heledd states the need to go after the mysterious criminal Sleidr, Tric cannot resist getting involved in what will certainly be a great story. “Where would he go to fence these things?” Tric asks Heledd. “Or… where does he hang out?” His gaze slides over to Alric, who he is pretty sure knows the … Read more

Echoes of Invasion: There’ll Be Heledd to Pay | Scene 7


The sun has crested the horizon by the time Tric and Alric return to the Parting Glass. The common room lodgers are beginning to stir, some already heading out for their business of the day. Neither Mate nor Terwaen has shown up, and Tric resolves to yodel for the magpie if the bird stays out … Read more

Echoes of Invasion: There’ll Be Heledd to Pay | Scene 6


Once Mate is gone, Tric goes downstairs to see what all the commotion is about. There is not much activity, just quiet voices coming from the kitchen area and snores of lodgers still asleep in the common room. Tric heads over toward the curtains behind the bar, but as he approaches them, they are thrown … Read more

Echoes of Invasion: There’ll Be Heledd to Pay | Scene 5


When Heppa returns with her kit, she finds Alric has laid Heledd out carefully on the floor atop her undone cloak. His blouse is speckled here and there with her blood from straightening her out and conducting an initial examination. The knife that was in her back now lies very intentionally set to the side. … Read more