Echoes of Invasion: Family Matters | Scene 3


As the first days of spring approach, Penna subjects Heppa to the usual judging looks and critiques regarding her failure to settle into a career. Quaemilya has been a sorceress for a full year now, and Heppa has not yet even entered the shaman ranks. This particularly rankles Penna since her younger daughter has been … Read more

Echoes of Invasion: Family Matters | Scene 2


Talking with Baeowin is higher on Tric’s priority list than visiting the troublesome druid Fenowin. Upon tracking her down, he updates the scout leader about the saurians and dwarves, and then asks, “Do you know if Lintanir is sending a group? The Great Forest seemed already aware of some undead trouble in the east.” It … Read more

DS350 | Wesnoth | Echoes of Invasion: Family Matters | Part 1 of 3

Battle for Wesnoth
Battle for Wesnoth
DS350 | Wesnoth | Echoes of Invasion: Family Matters | Part 1 of 3

Tric welcomes his sister Terwaen to Estbryn Forest while Heppa brings Alric in for his first visit.

Echoes of Invasion: Overwintering | Scene 15


Tric and Heppa are clapped in irons and then loaded into the dented cart for the ride to the mining outpost. The train slowly starts moving again. Over the increasingly loud sounds of clacking and rattling, Heppa calls out a long series of questions to Balor about when the dwarves built the train and what … Read more

Echoes of Invasion: Overwintering | Scene 14


Once in the tunnels, Tric and Heppa try to reconstruct their previous journey to the dwarven stronghold. That first trip was disrupted by bats and Mari-Elin the carter, neither of whom make a reappearance this time. After a while, the elves admit to themselves that they are lost. “This isn’t the way to Untdunben,” Heppa … Read more

Echoes of Invasion: Overwintering | Scene 13


Tric and Heppa have not seen the dwarves of Untdunben since last spring, when they convinced Lord Knutan to move the dwarvish mining operation further east. Their goal at the time was to protect the waterways that feed into Estbryn Forest. Now, though, it seems the relocation has potentially put the dwarves right under an … Read more

DS348 | Wesnoth | Echoes of Invasion: Overwintering | Part 6 of 6

Battle for Wesnoth
Battle for Wesnoth
DS348 | Wesnoth | Echoes of Invasion: Overwintering | Part 6 of 6

Tric and Heppa pay the dwarves of Untdunben another visit.

Echoes of Invasion: Overwintering | Scene 12


Once it is sufficiently dark—which fortunately does not take too long now that it is winter—Bzzazz leaves the hut where the saurians hosted their guests for dinner. The elves follow him outside and sit on the driest ground they can find while he begins moving his staff around and looking up at the stars above. … Read more

Echoes of Invasion: Overwintering | Scene 11


Hezzis leads Tric and Heppa across the frozen swamp to the cluster of domed mud and reed huts that make up the saurian village. As they approach, she points out a group of saurians smaller than herself practicing formations. These are the skirmishers that she is currently training. Hezzis declares that she herself is an … Read more

Echoes of Invasion: Overwintering | Scene 10


Tric is sitting wrapped in a blanket across from Heppa and gnawing on a piece of jerky when eyes and then a snout appear in a watery section of the bog nearby. They glide forward, and then Hezzis stands up abruptly. “You’re back,” she announces. “The auguries said so.” “It sounds like your augur’s doing … Read more

DS346 | Wesnoth | Echoes of Invasion: Overwintering | Part 5 of 6

Battle for Wesnoth
Battle for Wesnoth
DS346 | Wesnoth | Echoes of Invasion: Overwintering | Part 5 of 6

Tric and Heppa negotiate with saurians.