DS003 | StarCraft | FRAWD Investigators: Mayhem on Mar Sara | Part 3 of 8

FRAWD Investigators
FRAWD Investigators
DS003 | StarCraft | FRAWD Investigators: Mayhem on Mar Sara | Part 3 of 8

Some people are cut out for refinery work. Some aren’t.

DS002 | StarCraft | FRAWD Investigators: Mayhem on Mar Sara | Part 2 of 8

FRAWD Investigators
FRAWD Investigators
DS002 | StarCraft | FRAWD Investigators: Mayhem on Mar Sara | Part 2 of 8

Lilly and Imogen make some new friends at a bar.

FRAWD Investigators: Mayhem on Mar Sara | Scene 2


A day later, the Space Greyhound sets down in Mar Sara City. Although much smaller than Augustgrad, it still has all the establishments one would expect: factories, bars, administrative buildings, and so on. All arrivals and departures must go through quarantine and have their blood tested to keep out anything zerg-infested. As the FRAWD agents … Read more

DS001 | StarCraft | FRAWD Investigators: Mayhem on Mar Sara | Part 1 of 8

FRAWD Investigators
FRAWD Investigators
DS001 | StarCraft | FRAWD Investigators: Mayhem on Mar Sara | Part 1 of 8

Lilly and Imogen get a new assignment. And some new jobs.