Resh Hour | Scene 3

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Eventually they come across a locked door. Renci suggests Renn try his luck on it, and this time she will keep watch. Renn agrees and with a smirk tells her, “Watch yer feet.” “You watch out for shocks,” she shoots back. She looks up and down the corridor, then steps over to some sort of … Read more

Resh Hour | Scene 2

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Renci straps on her heavy blaster pistol and knife, putting her medpac, scanner, and datapad in a backpack. Renn slips the tranq gun into the holster in the side of his backpack and tosses in his vet kit and some reloads for the Czerka, which he slings over his shoulder. His knife goes at the … Read more

Resh Hour | Scene 1

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Above the watery, mountainous planet Gaulus, a Jumpmaster Long Range Scout drops out of hyperspace. Renn Herkin pilots the Resolve in closer to the planet as Renci Tosh enters the small cockpit and takes up a position behind him, looking down over his right shoulder at the read-outs. The JM-5000’s sensors work at extreme range, … Read more


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Renn Herkin is a former Imperial officer and Rebel spy, but his actual goal for most of his adult life has been to locate his younger sister. Kash and her friends in Desert Rose Solutions helped him accomplish this, but it was not a good scene. Now he is at loose ends, without a career … Read more


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Renci Tosh lost her parents to the Empire as a teenager, and she joined the Rebellion to prevent the same thing from happening to others. During a botched mission on Ord Mantell, she met Jai Tessa (JT) of Desert Rose Solutions, and she has since sub-contracted DRS for several other Rebel jobs. She is based … Read more

Star Wars: Resh Hour

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She’s an independent Rebel operative looking to get ahead in her organization. He’s a former Imperial officer trying to establish a new self-identity. Together they scout Outer Rim planets.​ Jump to Serialized Narratives Jump to Actual Play Star Wars: Resh Hour is a FFG Star Wars Edge of the Empire/Age of Rebellion/Force and Destiny + … Read more