DS311 | Alpha Centauri | Chronicles of Chiron: Whatever It Takes | Part 6 of 12

Alpha Centauri
Alpha Centauri
DS311 | Alpha Centauri | Chronicles of Chiron: Whatever It Takes | Part 6 of 12

Briar beasts run rampant in the Garden of Chiron

DS309 | Alpha Centauri | Chronicles of Chiron: Whatever It Takes | Part 5 of 12

Alpha Centauri
Alpha Centauri
DS309 | Alpha Centauri | Chronicles of Chiron: Whatever It Takes | Part 5 of 12

Mariah remonstrates with his captor.

Chronicles of Chiron: Whatever It Takes | Scene 17


///Marina opens the door of the Mushroom Grove for Cleve, and the jaunty music of a Bollywood dance number leaks out into the street. A jukebox is set up in the corner with an old portable music device from Earth plugged into its speakers. There are quite a few people inside, some enjoying a late … Read more

Chronicles of Chiron: Whatever It Takes | Scene 16


///Cleve enjoys a quiet evening with his rifle and his shimmerfly. He dismantles the gun completely, cleans each of the pieces, reapplies cosmoline as needed, and then reassembles everything. This does mean a flashlight is no longer taped to the barrel, but that was only a temporary solution, anyway. He’ll need to acquire one actually … Read more

DS307 | Alpha Centauri | Chronicles of Chiron: Whatever It Takes | Part 4 of 12

Alpha Centauri
Alpha Centauri
DS307 | Alpha Centauri | Chronicles of Chiron: Whatever It Takes | Part 4 of 12

Mariah’s reunion with his old friend Deirdre does not go as smoothly as Cleve’s reunion with Roze did.

Chronicles of Chiron: Whatever It Takes | Scene 12


While Cleve and Xiao geek out on strategy, armaments, tactics, terrain, and so forth, I make a circuit of the mariner’s office, studying all the maps mounted on the walls. There are lots of sea charts with depth soundings and annotations on currents and marine life, fishing grounds, and so on. The local bay gets … Read more

Chronicles of Chiron: Whatever It Takes | Scene 10


Marina leads me and Cleve upstairs and through a door. A receptionist sits there at the center of a hallway, and she tells him, “I’m Dr. Marina Citali. I was the envoy sent to Data Haven.”  For what feels like the first time, someone understands exactly what all that means. This person actually knows Marina … Read more